
This website is currently not operational.

If you would like to contact Ann Murray from Cooking 4, her contact details are:

Tel: 01454 881772 or 07989 6995987

Email ann_cooking4@yahoo.co.uk






Eight years ago, my husband Chris and I moved to Chipping Sodbury where I started my dream of  running a cookery school, encouraging people of all ages to eat healthy while cooking from scratch.  After eight incredible years, I have to announce that I am closing the Cooking4 school in order to begin a new and equally exciting chapter in my life.


I would like to thank the people who have come to my classes and helped me to live my dream. Meeting all kinds of wonderful people and exploring our mutual appreciation of food has made every class a joy to teach. When you love your work, it’s no longer a job, it’s a daily source of inspiration, satisfaction and enjoyment.


Currently I’m contemplating my next step as my husband and I embark on ‘The Year of Fun’, as 2019 has been designated in our house! Chris is taking a step back from his very demanding job, giving us the time to travel and spend more time with each other and the people we love. Whether I start writing recipe books or embark on new business ideas, I am blessed to have him as a constant source of support and guidance.


Once again, thank you all for making Cooking4 a reality, and here’s to the next adventure.



